Wearing a hat while flying…

This is one of those topics that can incite a little bit of passion depending on where pilots fall on the issue. Some pilots consistently wear baseball style caps while flying. Let’s face it, it’d be pretty difficult, if not … Continue reading

How to: Mitigate Risk and Increase the Safety of YOUR Flying!

Risk mitigation and safety management systems are nice little “buzz” phrases I hear a lot in aviation these days. Many organizations and individual pilots are doing it right, but many are not, and that is a problem that needs to … Continue reading

3 Things Every Pilot Needs to Know About… Airport Fences: Good or Bad, A Barrier

Fences surround airports; maybe you’ve noticed this trend over the past 10, 15, maybe even 20 years. As we as a population become more aware of security and potential threats, physical barriers are added to life in the name of … Continue reading

Accurate Radio Calls: The Foundation of Aviation Safety!

“Mansfield Traffic, Skyhawk 12345, 8 miles west, inbound for landing, descending through 4000 feet, Mansfield.” “New Bedford Tower, Arrow 56789, 10 north at 2700 feet, landing with Foxtrot.” Both of these are good radio calls, calls that I would make, … Continue reading

Flying is SAFE and Airports are Friendly!

Recently, the USA Today wrote a true hatchet-piece on general aviation. My questions include, what was the motivation for this piece? Why is the USA Today out to get general aviation? Who paid for the research and content creation?   … Continue reading

IM SAFE, are you safe?

My favorite topic to teach in any ground school is Aeronautical Decision Making (ADM). Not only is ADM the most interesting topic on any ground school syllabus, it is literally the MOST important too! One of the pilot self-assessment tools that … Continue reading

Review of the 2014 New England Aviation Safety Expo

On Saturday, April 12th the Nashua Airport (KASH) & Daniel Webster College (DWC) opened up their runway, ramp and campus to the pilots of New England. With 50+ aircraft packed on the normally baron ramp, the event was a true … Continue reading